Is Campaigning Really About?
Promote, Advertise and Introduce
Why would anyone want to campaign a
dog? It is very expensive. It requires being on the road every
weekend or hiring a professional handler to keep your dog out, and to be
certain they are putting the needed emphasis on your dog. Campaigning
means spending a lot of money on advertising, graphic artists and
photographers. What kind of person would invest so much in a dog?
We wish that there were no need to
campaign a dog. In a perfect world everything would be equal and every
dog would be judged only on their breed standard. There would be no politics
involved and every judge was deemed impartial and fair. Unfortunately,
that isn't the show world today.
I can only speak to why Lyle and I
started campaigning Cara this year. We are six months into the year and I
am certain that we have family members and friends that think we have lost our
minds. They may be right!
Here are our thought processes in
making the decision to campaign Cara:
- Cara was finished in the USA and
Canada and was much too good to retire and too young to breed
- She is as fine a Standard Wirehaired Dachshund
showing presently and could be very competitive
- We love our breed and would like to see Standard
Wirehaired Dachshunds have a bigger presence
- We love showing her and she loves the ring
- We are serious about the sport and either we are
going to be serious competitors or we should go back to playing golf every
- Lyle and I make a great team and we love the time
spent with our dogs at the shows. We like new
experiences and the challenge
Is Cara perfect? No. There
are no perfect dogs. There is a possibility that a Standard Wirehaired
Dachshund is laying on the family room rug somewhere that could give all the
show dogs currently out there a run for the title, but due to his owner not
having an interest in conformation, or does not have the available money to
spend on showing his dog or prefers to enter Earth Dog events, we will never
meet that dog. So, we don’t
kid ourselves that Cara is the absolute "be all-end all" in the Dachshund world. However, I do believe
that she is worthy to be shown and she has what it takes to be #1.
Lyle and I are probably strange,
because we are genuinely happy when a worthy competitor wins. We
understand their happiness, because we love to win. We get it. Above all
else, we are good sports. We respect the other dogs being shown or
campaigned, and we know that we are all aiming for the same prize and we all
are sharing the same goal. We hope that at the end of the year, it can be
said that we were worthy opponents that conducted themselves with good manners
and sincerity.
We are not wealthy. Nowhere
close. We are a regular working class couple willing to sacrifice most
luxuries to be able to pay for campaigning. Getting a hamburger out is a
rarity, now. I agreed to make my wardrobe last for another year. I
have learned to accessorize my wardrobe to change it up. Lyle
has given up going to dinner and the movies with his buddies twice a
month. We are eating Mac and Cheese without hot-dogs,
with hot-dogs with tuna and with chopped chicken. We don’t smoke, seldom drink alcohol and unless you
consider taking your dog in the ring each weekend gambling, we don’t gamble. After our bills are paid, every
cent we can scrape together goes to the campaigning cost. We just pray
that no one in our family dies, because Lyle would have to wear a suit
that has bait stains and smells like Roll Over, and I will have to wear that
tired pair of black slacks everyone has seen, but has been disguised with
various accessories.
There certainly have been lessons to
learn. There is more to ad design than you would think. Ads are
expensive, and it is hard to know if you are getting a decent return on the
investment. It is thrilling to see that first ad in print. We have ads in
Canadian Dog Fancier and Canuck Dogs website. We have done some ads in
show catalogues and we are considering a few other
publications. We must make sure to get the best audience for our
money. We can’t
be wasteful. Scheduling shows is another trick.
Travelling is the biggest expense. On top of all the expenses,
we bought a travel trailer this year. After we did the numbers crunching,
it was more cost effective to pay for the RV rather than hotels and restaurant
meals. The other bonus of the RV is that we eliminated the need to load
and unload dogs twice daily in a vehicle to travel from the hotel to show
site. It is so nice to be right adjacent to the show rings. We can
groom under our awning in the summer. We have a place to rest during the
day and we can socialize with friends in the evenings.
We like doing our own grooming and
handling, so that saves us a lot of money. There are two ways to look at
owner/handler at this level. Lyle is not as well known as the
professional handlers, so we risk being overlooked. We are still learning,
so we may not do everything perfectly. Some say in the long run it is
cheaper to hire a pro handler than try to do it ourselves. Could be true,
but what fun is that for us? We like being involved with our dogs.
We don’t want to wait for show results via text messages.
We are not doing this alone. We are so fortunate to have a breeder that
has been our mentor, trusted friend and advisor. We have been lucky to
have made wonderful friends in the dog fancy. With their continued
support, we will keep looking toward the finish line.
We got off to a slow start in Canada
because we were showing in the USA at specialities and the Dachshund
Nationals in St. Louis. We will be doing our best to catch up in the
points the rest of the year. I hope you will keep an eye on our
For now, we are not starving. We
can still afford to buy gas to the shows. We are still able to feed our
dogs the best quality food. Life is good.
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Carol and Tess |
By Carol Gravestock
Part 2 of 2
French Bulldog registrations in Canada have steadily increased over the
past ten years. Once, we were lucky to see two or three French Bulldog litters
registered in all of Canada in an entire month. Now, we see two or three dozen
litters, many of them bred by the same small handful of people. Increasingly,
these litters include the so-called “Rare Colours” - more accurately referred to as the
“Disqualifying Colours” from the French Bulldog breed standard.
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Disqualifying Black & Tan Frenchie |
The standard defines our disqualifying colours as “black and white,
black and tan, liver, mouse or solid black (black means without any trace of
brindle)”. The “rare colour” breeders have marketed them as “Chocolate” (liver),
Black and Tan and Blue (“mouse”). It’s almost certain that a vast majority of
the so-called Black and Tan French Bulldogs are, in fact, first or second
generation crosses into other breeds carrying the genes for this pattern. As
for “Blue” and “Chocolate”, breeders who extensively produce black masked fawn
and black masked fawn pied French Bulldogs have always known that these
recessive genes lurk within their
pedigrees. Puppies produced in these colours
or patterns were simply altered and placed as pets. As breeding stock, there
are links between these patterns and cosmetically undesirable traits such as
light eyes and light or self coloured noses, and health complications such as
coat Alopecia and systematic skin diseases. The breeders producing these colours
don’t concern themselves with these issues, since they've realized that it’s
possible to con the gullible, puppy-as-status-symbol craving public into paying
upwards of $6,000 for their puppies.
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Fawn Pied |
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Merle with microphahalmic eyes |
As with any fad, the market for the commonly seen “rare” colours has
been decreasing (an oxymoron – common ‘rare’ colours – but when you can find
Blue French Bulldog puppies on Kijiji and Puppy Find, it’s undeniable that
they've lost some of their mystique). Seeking new fads, breeders have recently
begun producing “rare Merle” French Bulldogs – again, no doubt by crossing in
other breeds which carry the genetics for Merle patterning. Rumours have reached
us from Europe of Merle French Bulldogs selling for $20,000 or more. With
profits like these at stake, have no doubt that the producers of Merle will
have no hesitation when it comes to breeding Merle to Merle to Merle. We’re
already seeing photographs of Merle French Bulldogs with missing and malformed
All good French Bulldog breeders are saddened and sickened by this
trend of fad colour breeding, with its emphasis on colours above genetics, health
or breed type. This makes it even more frustrating to encounter breed judges
who don’t understand our standard as it relates to colours and patterns. In
Western Canada, a “Chocolate” French Bulldog recently finished its breed
championship – a fact being touted by rare colour breeders across the USA, who
are eager to have the chance to be able to tout “Champion Line” rare colour
pedigrees. The dog in question has an almost black coat, with slight liver
overtones, but his lamplighter green eyes were a certain give away to anyone
who saw him that this was NOT a brindle dog.
Conversely, a Canadian judge also recently declared that a black
masked, Fawn Pied French Bulldog was actually disqualified from competition, as
he defined the dog to be a “Black and Tan” specimen. This is roughly the
equivalent of declaring a fawn and white JRT to be the same thing as a
Rottweiler, at least so far as colour is concerned. Genetically, the two
patterns do not share the same allele, and visually they are also strikingly
dissimilar, making it difficult to conceive of why the differences between the
two patterns should be so confusing to some judges.
Within Canada, the last ten years have also seen the dramatic rise of
French Bulldogs imported from Eastern Europe. While many of these dogs are
exceptional examples of the breed, and have been imported by serious breeders
to improve their own gene pools, an increasing number have been brought in
people seeking a cheap, no questions asked source of breeding stock for their
backyard programs and puppy mills. These inferior dogs are larger in size, more
‘terrier’ in type and seem to be much ‘harder’ in temperament. Many are overly
dog aggressive, and an increasing number are being turned over to rescue
following incidents of aggression towards people.
In the show ring, the extreme examples of Eastern European bred French
Bulldogs generally carry heavy bone and large heads, but also tend to be longer
in back, higher on leg, and heavier in weight. For breeders with pedigrees that
tend more towards the classic “American” type, the smaller, more compact, more
correct dogs can be overshadowed within the ring by these dramatically larger
specimens. We hope that judges will hold the line against this trend, but
understand it can be hard to find the apple in a ring full of oranges – even if
the apple is the more correct dog.
The Eastern Canada French Bulldog Club offers a program of Judge’s
Education Seminars on several topics, including Colour and Patterns, Breed
Structure, and Movement. Hopefully, this will be a platform for long time
breeders to share their knowledge with judges who hope to increase their
understanding of a breed that can sometimes seem complicated to evaluate.
Interested Judge’s Groups and Breed Clubs within Eastern Canada can
request a seminar via our website, at http://www.frenchbulldogscanada.com
The French Bulldog Club of Western Canada also offers Judge’s
Education, and can be found at http://www.fbcwc.ca/
Carol Gravestock, Bullmarket French Bulldogs, lives in the Village of Durham, near the Bruce Peninsula.
Carol Gravestock purchased her first pet quality French Bulldog in 1989 – a little cream bitch she affectionately refers to as the ‘gateway drug of dogs’.
Since then, Bullmarket French Bulldogs have finished championships in almost twenty countries around the world, with numerous American, Canadian and International Champions. Carol has also bred one of only two Brindle Pied French Bulldogs to win Best of Breed at Westminster, and is breeder of the current youngest Best in Show winning French Bulldog in Canadian breed history. While proud of her show wins, Carol is equally proud that one of her French Bulldogs was invited to the Eukanuba Agility Invitational at the age of fourteen.
The co founder of Canada’s first ever French Bulldog breed club, Carol is now President of the Eastern Canada French Bulldog Club, while also serving on the board of two North American French Bulldog rescue groups. Carol is also the proud creator of the internet’s first French Bulldog specific web pages and mailing list.
She has written extensively about French Bulldog collectibles, breed history and historical owners of French Bulldogs, and on the intricacies of French Bulldog coat color genetics.
Websites: www.bullmarketfrenchbulldogs.com

We will mention that person by name in the blog.
This week's spotlight is on Joy Lynne Huntley. Joy Lynne owns Briarhunt Coonhounds Kennel located in Woodville, Ontario. She is a CKC and AKC judge.

I could not have been able to properly recognize Maude without her help. Thank you so very much, Joy Lynne.
Another example of people helping people in the Dog Fancy.
Remember to watch for "Nice Deeds". They are happening all around us. Let's talk about the people helping others. Send your "Nice Deeds" to me at djenkins@shaw.ca
Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs, http://www.canuckdogs.com, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats. You should bookmark it. That's where you will find my blog.
Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs, http://www.canuckdogs.com, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats. You should bookmark it. That's where you will find my blog.
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