Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome To My View

Making Sense of the Dollars in Dog Fancy

Who really benefits from money that is spent in the Dog Fancy?  I suspect it isn't the average dog fancier.  After all, how much money is spent every weekend at dog events?  The way I figure it, Lyle and I are doing our part in helping the economy just like all the other dog fanciers.  Let's list all the folks that share in the Dog Fancy Economy:

  • Dog Food Companies - Dog Fanciers usually are very picky about what food they provide to their dogs.  We typically spend for premium food.  Lyle and I spend $62.00 per bag and it last us about a month.  
  • Veterinarians - Of course we have to have a great relationship with our vets in case of emergencies, puppy birthing, inoculations, etc. 
  • Dog Supply Stores - Bedding, Crates, Grooming supplies, tools, adds up quickly.
  • CKC - Registrations and other documents
  • Car Dealers - We need at the very least to have a car big enough to carry a single crate all the way up to a short truck that can carry twenty crates and all the necessary supplies. Also, many have vans, motor homes and RV's.  
  • Service Stations - Gasoline and/or Diesel fuel for all the vehicles we need.
  • Mechanics Shop - To keep our vehicles in top running condition.  Our vehicles must be reliable to run us up and down the roads to all the shows.
  • Department Stores, Second Hand Stores and Consignment Shops where we buy the show clothes required to show our dogs.
  • Shoe stores - for those sensible shoes that allow us to run around the rings no matter indoors or outdoors.  Don't forget the rubber boots needed for all the rainy show weekends.
  • Insurance Companies - To cover our vehicles and our dogs health.
  • Club Dues and donations to raffles - So we can  make sure we can have breed specialties and other events.
  • Dog Show Entry Companies - Almost of of us use an online Entry Service, now.  For the convenience, we pay a percentage of the entry fee or a set amount per entry.
  • Restaurants - Food for the weekend.  If you are like Lyle and me, we try to make it off snacks and one real meal a day.  But the Chip Wagons always get our money for fries.
  • Grocery Store - If you have an RV you probably buy groceries for the weekend.
  • Hotels/Motels - Typically it is from one to two nights stay. If you are lucky, you will get a decent continental breakfast for free.
  • Professional Handler - We have all had to hire a Pro from time-to-time to help us, but others always have their dogs on a handler.
  • Wal-mart or Canadian Tire - To purchase the EZ ups, tarps, sunshades, lawn chairs, portable grills, picnic supplies, etc. 
  • Revenue Canada - Taxes on all the above
Are you like me and afraid to tally up how much you are spending?   When you see how many businesses benefit from our participation in the dog fancy, you would think that we could do more to bring revenue to our shows to be more profitable.  I for one would like to see more advertising our dog shows at the local level.  Fall is coming and that will bring all the Community Fairs.  Everyone loves a fair.  We look forward to the midway and games, the rides, the exhibits, lawnmower races and demolition derbies.  Why can't we get people excited about coming out to the dog show?  There are so many advertising opportunities, flyers at the vets' offices, schools, newspapers, radio and tv.  Offer a free ticket to a family of four.  Who remembers the adage, "You have to spend money to make money"?  Perhaps we should offer variety at the dog shows, include dock diving, Rally O, Meet the Breeds, Guided Tours, Judges that are wearing mics that can explain what they are asking the exhibitors to do and why.  Judges that aren't afraid of verbalizing to the crowd why they make their decision.  We need seating!!!!!!!  It's bad enough that I have to drag my chair back and forth from my set up to ringside, should paying attendees also have to lug chairs along with them?  Let's educate the public on why they should only consider buying a purebred dog from a CKC breeder.  Why not show John Q Public all the fun activities they can do with their purebred.  I'm going to stick my neck out here, and suggest that no show can be held without having scheduled events for the public education, there must be guided tours and there must be a representative from each breed prepared to meet the public to discuss their breed. Instead of shutting everything down at 5:00 pm, there should be public entertainment such as Dog Dancing Expos and other shows.  There could be the main competition during the day and public entertainment at night, when the exhibitors have more time to meet the public and talk about their sport and breed.

I think we should all start thinking like business people.  We are the entertainment.  We are good at what we do in the dog fancy. We need to get the general public excited about coming out to see us entertain!

Time for your feedback, again.  

Please complete the attached Dog Fancy Survey #2!

Your answers are completely anonymous.  I share the results with you in an upcoming blog and I also forward the survey results to the CKC.

Click here to take the Survey :

I know you enjoyed the "Nice Deeds" reported in last week's blog. Please remember to watch for acts of kindness at your events and email them to me. is the busiest website dedicated to Canadian Dog Fancy. 

 Did you know that Canuck Dogs is 100% volunteers? 

Did you know that you can advertise on Canuck Dogs and reach thousands of viewers each day? 

Did you know that most advertisements on Canuck Dogs is less than $40 per month. 

Did you know you have your dog's own stats page with picture of your dog on Canuck Dogs.

Did you know that is a one-stop location for all you want to know in the dog fancy.  Upcoming dog events, unequaled quick show results, all manner of stats and judging schedules.  

 You should  bookmark it.  That's where you will find my blog. 


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