Westminster Kennel Club
This week is getting charged with excitement. Many of our friends are preparing to head out to one of the most prestigious dog shows in the world. The Empire State Building will be lit up in Westminster colours of Purple and Gold. New clothes have been bought to wear in the rings at the Gardens. For the first time in Westminster history, the breeds will be judged at the Piers. Hotels have been booked for months, dogs have been groomed and conditioned. Stomachs are nervous and more antacid is being used, cars have been tuned and gassed and all the GPS have been programmed. For many, this will be a trip of a lifetime. Many have never been to New York City, so there is a double thrill to going to the Big Apple and exhibiting in America's biggest show.
I will be home with my laptop watching the live streaming of my favorite breeds. I will be cheering my favorite dogs and their handlers from my sofa. Then on Monday and Tuesday, Lyle and I will be glued to our television to see the live broadcast of the groups and BIS. We have the distinct pleasure of personally knowing many of the world class Canadian dogs that will be appearing this year.
Here is the telecast schedule and how to see the live streaming. You will have to check with your cable provider to get the channel you can view the show.
Monday, February 11
Hound, Toy, Non-Sporting and Herding Groups
8-11 p.m. (ET) live on CNBC
Tuesday, February 12
Sporting, Working and Terrier Groups, Best In Show
8-11 p.m. (ET) live on USA Network
Live Breed judging videos are available throughout the day on Monday and Tuesday on the Westminster Web site. These videos will be available to view after the show, as well.
To the West Coast viewers: Please note that the West Coast telecast is delayed for your time zone. Since results are posted to our Web site as they occur live, if you want to enjoy the drama of the moment, please avoid the Westminster Web site after 5 p.m. Pacific Time on each evening.
Good Luck to all those that are headed to Westminster and the various host shows prior to Westminster. Safe travels and we can't wait to hear all about your experience.
This is a regular feature of my blog. I will be asking a question to a cross-section of Canadian experts involved in various areas of the dog world. If you would like to participate or have a question you would like to have asked or have an expert you would like to answer a question, feel free to contact me.Nathan Scarpino is a very exciting young man who has spent the last year handling several breeds. He is the face of the up and coming young professional handlers. If you are looking to partner your show dog with a young professional, you can contact Nathan at n.scarpino@msn.com or go to Facebook and leave him a private message.
up as a child, life was filled with a plethora of pets, I can recall
dreaming about my future with animals and began to set goals for myself to
achieve over my lifetime. One of the biggest memories was watching Westminster
for the first time and dreaming that one day I would step foot on (let alone
attend as a spectator) that expansive carpet and could cross it off my bucket
list as a key highlight of my life.
forward many busy years later to the fall of 2011, after showing horses
competitively and traveling around the world, I settled down after college and
got the idea of making dog showing a reality for 2012. I jumped into the scene
headfirst and was very fortunate to meet fantastic breeder mentors, handler
mentors, client owners, and other supportive dog fancy personnel who helped me
achieve the most memorable year of my life. Along the journey of my first year
into showing dogs, I began my career with a group 3rd, 2nd,
and 1st my first weekend out with an outstanding Australian shepherd
- Jackpot (MBIS CKC CH, ASCA AKC CH ATreeStarr Billion Dollar Baby, HIC, DNA-VP who is owned by Ayella Grossman of Oracle Aussies) which set the pace for my year. I have been hooked every since. The rest of this 2012 year consisted
in many amazing wins for this new team of seasoned dog and novice handler,
which then lead to the more important personal successes of great friendships,
new opportunities, experience handling and grooming dogs of other breeds,
expanded show knowledge, and a deeper passion for exhibiting purebred dogs in
both Canada and United States.
time went on over the course of the year, Westminster was a topic that came up
frequently between friends and in typical motivational fashion I decided to
make it a reality. Details have been planned, dogs have been entered, and long
story short we are GOING! I am elated when I think about how important this
trip is for myself, as a new handler to achieve multiple client dogs in this
prestigious show within a 13 month span of beginning my show career. Let alone
the memories that will be made with those around me, the dogs that I truly
believe in are coming down to be shown, and the hard work that it has taken all
the exhibitors to achieve this opportunity. What I can only expect is a lot of
hard work as per usual, long days, and the famous “I’m ready for home” line
after it’s all said and done. With of course, one more dream crossed off my
bucket list from my childhood and a smile on my face for years to come.
countdown is officially on before we embark on this dream of mine, and I’d like
to wish everyone who will be attending to stay safe, have fun, and best of luck
to all exhibitors.
I would also like to give very sincere credit to the continuous experiences I was given from the supportive mentors around me who helped me achieve this dream of mine. Without the trust, hard work, and communal passion for success I would not be where I am today. You know who you are and I will be forever grateful.
Nathan Scarpino
I would also like to give very sincere credit to the continuous experiences I was given from the supportive mentors around me who helped me achieve this dream of mine. Without the trust, hard work, and communal passion for success I would not be where I am today. You know who you are and I will be forever grateful.
Nathan Scarpino
Pam Is In |
A New Bi-Weekly Feature
Pam McClintock will be offering her thoughts and opinions regarding the state of The Dog Fancy in Canada. Her writings will also include an assortment of poetry and cartoons.
Pam has been involved in the sport of dogs for 42 years. She has breed Bullmastiffs and French Bulldogs and as a
professional handler, she has handled BIS and BPIS dogs in all 7 groups, as well
as many specialty winners in various breeds. Through the years she has been involved with a
kennel club at the executive level as well as directing the Canadian
Professional Handlers Association as president.
She has taught handling classes for numerous clubs, both here and in the US . She is teaching weekly handling
classes throughout the year. Information about her classes can be obtained at www.pamshandlingclasses.com .
Pam is a published amateur writer and she wrote a weekly dog column for over 10 years
for a local newspaper. Her first installment is a poem.
He watches me with large brown eyes.
Something in them is both soft and wise.
And I look back at him and remember,
Other days of boundless energy.
Hours of chase the stick,
And then asking to do it again.
He’s always been a friend,
Never demanding, forever loyal.
He’s older now, some say he’s useless.
Why keep him? He’s only in the way.
Make way for younger stock they say.
Memories flood into my mind.
The tears and cheers of joy.
He’s a champion, you know,
This great, big, wonderful boy.
His step falters occasionally now.
And I am forced to think how it will be,
When he is no longer here with me,
And my eyes well up with tears.
He shifts his aging body closer to me and lifts one huge paw.
Not for a shake, but to say,
Dear friend, I will be with you till the end.
I look out into the yard and watch his son.
And though my old boys’ time is done.
There is his legacy.
A fine young dog, magnificent in every way.
The image of his father.
It takes my breath away to see how much alike they are.
So often I’ve compared them from afar.
A dream has come true and it is here at my feet.
And there at the gate hoping for a treat.
This proud and dignified old dog holds my heart.
Age has not lessened his splendour.
And when I hear that great deep bark, protecting,
I think, not today, will I consider a time without him.
Perhaps tomorrow I will face that inevitable grief.
And deliver my best friend to a land of peace.
But not today.
He has captured my heart and soul with his grace.
The years have left their mark on his graying face.
I will not imagine a day without him, not a moment gone.
For now, he is here, and I am holding on
Pam McClintock
I like to see people do nice things for others. If someone does something nice for you at a show or you see or hear about something nice being done, please send me an email at djenkins@shaw.ca. Be sure to put in the subject: Nice
We will mention that person by name in the blog.
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Pat Blenkey |
Spotlighted this week is: Pat Blenkey |
Pat bought her first Doberman while she still lived in England. When she immigrated to Canada in 1963, she had to part with her beloved Dobies and Afghan. Soon after arriving in Canada, she bought a doberman and that was the foundation bitch for the start of a long, successful career at Wrath Dobermans. In 1976 she amalgamated Wrath Kennel with Brian Casey's Liberator Kennel. Combined as Wrath-Liberator Perm Reg Kennel, they have produced more than 250 champions. They have won many titles and championships, too many to name.
Pat Blenkey is a long time results volunteer for Canuck
Dogs. Pat kindly volunteered to look after the results for the Wildwood show
this weekend. People may not realize that
results volunteers often do more than just submit the results, they can also catch mistakes. In the Herding group on Saturday, Pat noticed when she was writing down the results that a Belgian Shepherd had been given credit for Group 2nd , however she thought it might have actually been a German
Shepherd. Pat spoke to the German
Shepherd's handler to confirm the placement, then let the show secretary know
about the mistake in the books. Vickie
(show secretary) immediately followed up to have the judge adjust the
books. Thanks to Pat, the German
Shepherd was credited with his Group 2nd.
Thanks so much Pat for volunteering to stay late at the shows in order to get the show results to Canuck Dogs. We know everyone is anxious to get the results. Also, a huge thanks for being alert and correcting a recording error. I am certain that the German Shepard team was grateful for your alertness to the mistake and the judge was happy for the chance to correct the book.
Remember to watch for "Nice Deeds". They are happening all around us. Let's talk about the people helping others.
Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs, http://www.canuckdogs.com, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats. You should bookmark it. That's where you will find my blog.
Remember to watch for "Nice Deeds". They are happening all around us. Let's talk about the people helping others.
Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs, http://www.canuckdogs.com, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats. You should bookmark it. That's where you will find my blog.
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