Happy New Year!
The holidays are over and we are into the first week of 2013. This is a year that holds a lot of promise for success in Dog Fancy. No matter what your area of interest, I hope you are rewarded for your hard work.
I don't make New Year's Resolutions, anymore. I don't think I have ever achieved a single one. It always seemed to put too much pressure on me to keep the resolutions. So instead, I work every day to be better at everything I am doing.
So I will just wish you to "Be Better"!
This is a regular feature of my blog. I will be asking a question to a cross-section of Canadian experts involved in various areas of the dog world. If you would like to participate or have a question you would like to have asked or have an expert you would like to answer a question, feel free to contact me.
I am going to be my own expert this week. I have something on my mind that I'd like to share. I hope you will send me emails with your thoughts on this subject.
What is happening with Conformation?
I am not a breeder, but I am learning from my mentor, Debby Krieg, of Daybreak Wires. She has very generously talked to me for hours regarding breeding stock, line breeding, out crossing, and inbreeding. She has sent me pictures of potential candidates to be used for breeding and had me look at them and offer my opinion of positives and negatives. This is a wonderful education into the whole breeding process.
I understand that there are always going to be great breeders that obtain much success in Dog Fancy and there are also so-so breeders to very bad breeders. I'm not even talking about backyard or puppy mill breeders. I'm not considering them for this conversation. Having spent the past year, learning and listening and observing dogs, I must say it makes me go "Humpth"!
I have looked at dogs in my own breed that have very short ribbing, no fore chest, straight shoulders (not all on the same dog) and I think to myself, what was the breeder trying to achieve with that breeding? I have seen dogs that are literally walking on their hocks or their elbows are so loose they can hardly stand straight. I am no expert on any breed, however, I believe I am becoming one in Standard Wirehair Dachshunds and again I am wondering what the heck?
I was sitting ringside not too long along and the judge was looking at the only entry in this particular breed and surprisingly the judge did not award BOB to that single entry, but awarded 2nd place. I was so proud at that moment that the judge saw the lack of merit and sent the message to the owner/handler that it wasn't deserving of first.
That leads me to another question. How do we feel if a judge disallows a dog due to lack of merit and it results in reducing the points from a major? I know that I want my dogs to win on their merit. I love a judge that really gives my dogs a good once-over to make a decision. In my breed, there isn't much you can hide from a hands-on examination. I love it when the judge really watches my dog move. I get excited when the judge asks for my dog to move on a loose lead and to self stack. I like it when I watch a judge check for correct coat. All this inspection can prove that my dog can actually perform the job it was bred to do. It not only looks good, but can move.
I've had people tell me that they don't show their dog on grass because their dog doesn't perform well on grass. I want to say, "Are you kidding me? How can you expect your dog to perform its job if it can't move on grass?" Aren't we supposed to be showing the best breeding stock available? That is the purpose of Conformation shows. Would I want to use your dog in my breeding program if your dog can't move on grass?
Perhaps many of us should go back to basics and learn structure and movement. The breed clubs should be having some sort of continuing education programs to help their membership maintain a high standard in the breed.
Breeders please make sure that your pet puppy buyers understand what the difference is in "pet" and "show" quality. If you sell a puppy as show quality, please be sure and discuss the positives and negatives of the puppy. The show ring is not the place a new puppy owner learns about their dog.
I have beautiful wirehaired dachshunds. Are they perfect? No! Are they as close as you can get and still not be perfect? Yes! Was it an accident? No! My breeder has worked hard for 20 years to produce the best. Will I ever breed a litter? Maybe. But, really why would I when there are others out their that have dedicated much of their lives to do it right. Is it wasting my time to learn about good breeding? No, absolutely not. It has given me the ability to recognize quality and to see areas that need improvement.
Judges, you have my permission to disallow or set aside any dog that does not meet the breed standard and lacks merit. I will stand and applaud you! You will make us all better.

We will mention that person by name in the blog.
The Dog Show World is a real family. I witnessed it myself at the Brantford Kennel Club Show the end of November.
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Mark Ragusa with Ace |
BIS BISS BPIS A/C Gr. Ch. Mario N Beechwood's Midnight Express CGN, Ace
Ace is grand champion in both the USA and Canada. He has won 25 Best In Shows at many specailties on both sides of the border. He has won the Canadian National ans was Select dog at th American national and at ASC 2012. Ace also won BOV at Westminster 2012
Owners/Handlers, Professional Handlers, Dog Owners all joined to surprise Mark and Pam Ragusa, Breeders and Co/Owners and Frank & Cathy Charest, Co/Owners on being the 2012 #1 Dog All Breeds in Canada.
Their Dog Show friends and family hosted the surprise party in the grooming area. There was food and drinks and lots of warm congratulations and "Hip Hip Hoorays". There may be competition all year to have the Best and to be #1, but when one among us achieves it, its wonderful to see the comradery.
Handler Marlene Ness took Ace to the top!
Remember to watch for "Nice Deeds". They are happening all around us. Let's talk about the people helping others.
Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs, http://www.canuckdogs.com, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats. You should bookmark it. That's where you will find my blog.
Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs, http://www.canuckdogs.com, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats. You should bookmark it. That's where you will find my blog.
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