Monday, October 22, 2012

Welcome To My View

Getting Ready for Our Next Show

Abby telling me to snap the %^$# picture 
and let her off the table.
Our next show is this weekend.  Time to make sure both girls are bathed and groomed.  That will take a good day and will take care of Wednesday.  I like to do it a few days before the show.  That way I will have enough time to look over them and make adjustments.  For some reason, I am never quite satisfied with their coats.  Everyone says they look great, but I can always see a tuft of hair that needs  to be stripped and that toenail is a bit long, and are the eyebrows even!!!!  Yes, I'm neurotic.

I check my entries a couple of times to be sure I have the girls entered correctly and that I am up-to-date on the times we should enter the rings.  I keep a notebook binder on each girl.  It contains all their personal info, inoculation's, registrations, chip number, pictures, and current show entries and judging schedules (highlighted of course).  So that will be checked off on Wednesday as done.

I have a check list of items we will need to pack for the show.  Kennels, grooming table, xpen, tool box and extra bag that holds all the emergency and first aide stuff, food and bowls, towels and blankets, toys,  bait, mat and chairs.  Cooler with ice.  Soda pop and snacks.  Our clothes.  Weather says scatter showers Friday and Saturday and Rain on Sunday.  So that means warmer clothes, rubber boots, umbrellas, etc.  Thank goodness we are to the "indoor" season.  Believe me, if there was a draught anywhere in the world, schedule an outdoor dog show and I'll come.  That will guarantee you a torrential downpour rainstorm.

Print off hotel reservations and directions to the show site.  Remember to put those in my purse.  Check the bank balance....yep.... this should pretty much wipe that out and we will be eating Kraft dinner until next pay day.  LOL

Whew!  I know you folks that travel with 5, 10 and up dogs are laughing and making fun of me.  My hat is off to you.  I don't know how you do it.

I can't wait to see everyone this weekend.    Stop by our set-up for some Halloweenie Candy.

This will be a regular feature of my blog.  I will be asking a question to a cross-section of Canadian experts involved in various areas of the dog world.  If you would like to participate or have a question you would like to have asked or have an expert you would like to answer a question, feel free to contact me.

Question:  What are the differences in judging American shows to Canadian shows?   

Mr. Jon Cole, Judge
Answer:  Jon R. Cole, of Nashville, Tennessee, comes from a dog-show family.  His interest in Bull Terriers and Bedlington Terriers, breeds in which he had great success in both "producing good-quality puppies and achieving many wins at shows in the U.S. and Canada." At various times Mr. Cole has also owned or shown West Highland White Terriers, Shih Tzu, Smooth Fox Terriers, and Greyhounds.   He is approved to judge the Sporting, Hound, Working, and Terrier groups in USA and Canada.  Always in demand, Mr. Cole has judged on six continents since his career began in 1971. He has officiated at America's most prestigious venues, including multiple Westminster assignments, and is a board member of the American Dog Show Judges.

In many aspects the two countries are similar in judging the entries.  I will list areas of differences/similarities.  
1. Some of the ribbon colours are not the same. 
2. The judging book is somewhat different.  
3.  Ring set-up and patterns are essentially the same. 
4. Your Groups are scheduled after the Breed judging is finished rather than held all together at the end of all Breed judging as in the U.S.  
5.  There are Standard deviations.  
6.  Different CKC rules involving dog judging.  The common language of English makes it easier to communicate while in the ring (Many French speaking individuals do understand English).  I showed many years in Canada before judging and enjoyed that very much.  I have continued to have pleasant experiences judging in Canada.

How many knew there were these differences between AKC and CKC shows?  

I like to see people do nice things for others.  If someone does
something nice for you at a show or you see or hear about 
something nice being done, please send me an email at   Be sure to put in the subject: Nice

We will mention that person by name in the blog.  

Location of Nice Deed:  Alberni Valley Kennel Club (AVKC)
Reported By:  Tereen Zimmerman Roxburgh, Nanoose Bay, BC   
                       Weimaraner Breeder

Lisa Tremblay

At the Alberni Valley Kennel Club (AVKC) Lisa Tremblay (Show Superintendent and local school teacher) had a kindergarten class come to the show. Before arriving she instructed the teachers and the children on how to behave at a dog show and told the class they could learn to show a dog. They were all well behaved and the next day two of the kids came back and wanted to show a dog. With the help of Lisa Wright, Jenna Lostale and Laura Stillin two dogs were    found and the kids entered the Jr. Handling ring. 

Laura Stillin
Lisa Wright
Jenna Lostale

Thanks so much ladies for introducing the youngsters to Dog Shows and Junior Handling.  That's the kind of effort that will keep interest alive in our sport.  Another example of how a nice deed goes noticed!

Have a great week, everyone.   If you are showing this weekend, Good Luck!  Remember to look for "Nice Deeds" and report them to me.                                        

Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs,, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats.  You should  bookmark it.  That's where you will find my blog.  


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