Saturday, September 29, 2012

Welcome to My View

Dog Chiropractics 

Lyle and I were at handling class when our trainer, Monica Park, pointed out that she thought Cara was favouring her hind left leg.  She recommended that we contact a Chiropractor that specializes in dogs.  We called Dr. Gloria Bracchetti who met us at a nearby dog show.

It was amazing, what I learned about Cara and it proved to me again why owners/breeders and handlers must have a great understanding of their dog's structure in order to understand their movement.  Cara's problems were all minor, thank goodness.  But, if gone untreated could have become more serious.  She was very tight in the pelvis which was making her favour her left hind leg. Monica was very astute to see that Cara's kick was off as an early sign.  Because Cara was favouring the hind left leg her right front shoulder was taking more weight and work and was tender.

Gloria did a minor adjustment to Cara's pelvis and then a tiny adjustment to her front right shoulder.  Immediately Cara looked more comfortable and she moved better.  Side note here:  Lyle had mentioned that Cara seemed to want to elbow out on the front right.  I have made a note to listen to him more closely when he tells me these things.  She was elbowing out because it took some of the strain off her sore shoulder.

Gloria gave me instructions on how to massage Cara's shoulder a couple of times a week and we see her again in about a month for a check up.  Amazingly, Cara played more and seemed happier after that adjustment.  I'm so happy we are building a great team around us that we continue to learn from and to make sure our dogs are in the best condition possible.

This will be a regular feature of my blog.  I will be asking a question to a cross-section of Canadian experts involved in various areas of the dog world.  If you would like to participate or have a question you would like to have asked or have an expert you would like to answer a question, feel free to contact me.

Question:What advice would you give someone interested in getting involved in Gun Dog Trials and Test?

Answer:  By Heather Brennan, Breeder of German Shorthair Pointers, Georgetown, Ontario

Heather Brennan and Spirit

I would suggest that they start by contacting their local gundog breed or hunt clubs and ask about attending some trials and tests and meeting potential mentors. Field events tend to be very casual and friendly and non-exhibitors are always welcome. Like competitive obedience, gundog tests and trials have a lot of small rules and details that might not apply to a regular day in the field hunting with your dog. Thus a good mentor can go a long way to avoiding handling errors that can reduce your score. 

Pam McClintock with Percy
Pam McClintock is in our Spot Light this week.  She is a breeder, trainer and handler that spends a good amount of time at the dog shows.  She is known for offering help to newcomers and she was caught doing a nice deed at the Burlington show in Rockton last weekend.  There was a gentleman at the show with his Bulldog bitch, but the tail just wasn't right, and Pam noticed something was just off about the tail.  She approached him and offered to show him how to groom the bitch's tufted tail.  Together they hoisted her onto the table and she explained by showing him how to trim the tail down to a reasonable size to accentuate the topline and tail set.  They talked about trimming other areas as well and how best to treat and maintain the facial wrinkles in a healthy condition.

He earned a placement in group that day and I know that Pam was as happy as the owner.  When I mentioned to Pam that I wanted to Spot Light her this week, she was very modest and said, " Little does that man know how much he brightened her day".

Thanks Pam for being a great example of Positive Professional Conduct.

Another great week for Dogs and Life.  Please keep coming back to see what questions are being answered and who has got caught doing something nice.  Remember to check CanuckDog for the latest stats and my blog.  See you around the ring!


Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome to My View

Donna and Lyle Jenkins with Abby

This is so exciting.  I'm writing a blog for Canuck Dogs and you.  I hope you enjoy coming back often to see what I am writing about.  It's my plan to blog regularly about my experience as an Owner and my husband's experience being our handler.  


Abby completing her Canadian Championship
handled by Chris Pollen.
Lyle was raised in Nova Scotia and I was raised in Atlanta, Georgia.  Yep, I'm a real Southern Belle.  I moved to Ontario almost 14 years ago and I love it!  We show Standard Wirehaired Dachshunds, Abby and Cara.  We finished Abby's Canadian Championship in August and now we are working on Cara's.  We are having a blast.We have many great new friends.


This will be a regular feature of my blog.  I will be asking a question to a cross-section of Canadian experts involved in various areas of the dog world.  If you would like to participate or have a question you would like to have asked or have an expert you would like to answer a question, feel free to contact me.

Question:  How Did You Chose to Breed Bullmastiffs?
Answer: By Kay Reil, Grimsby, Ontario 

Kay Reil, Breeder/Owner/Handler, Bullmastiffs

"I got my first Bullmastiff 18 years ago.   I fell in love with the gentle demeanor wrapped up in such a strong and forceful looking body.  When I think about why I breed, my answer is because I can't paint. I think that art comes in many forms.   A painter takes a blank canvas and tries to recreate the image in her mind onto the canvas. I have a picture in my head of what I believe to be the perfect Bullmastiff. Each litter is like a blank canvas and every puppy/painting is different. Each of them beautiful and possessing qualities you admire. The excitement of each litter, looking through those still wet bodies, I still search for the "perfect puppy" and I have been lucky enough to have had a few masterpieces mature out of my breeding combinations. Perfect? Well those breeders who think they have perfected the breed are not only blind, but also not doing service to the breed. There is always better......and that is what keeps me breeding and involved in such a wonderful, majestic and loving breed."


I spent yesterday at Meet The Breeds event sponsored by John R. Park Homestead in Essex County and the Essex County Kennel Club.  The location is breathtaking, located right on Lake Erie surround by historical buildings with demonstrations in the black smith shop, spinning and weaving with dog hair and authentic costumes.

The Lions Club provided the food for the event, specializing in chilli dogs. I had two!

Kris Ives, Assistant Curator at the venue and Liz Newman, Show Organizer did a fabulous job.  They made everyone feel welcome and provided a terrific event.  This is only their second year holding this event and it is still growing.  Plenty of shade trees to set up under.  The turnout was very good.  We had a steady flow of visitors to our Dachshund booth.  They conducted demonstrations such as Rally O, Carting and a Fun Match.  Congratulations to Stephanie Churchman, HeavenlyHund Kennel and George, her eight year old English Cream Mini Dachshund for winning the Fun Match.  George will be on the poster for next year's event and will be included in all advertising.  

I highly recommend this event, so watch my blog for next year's date so you can mark your calendar.    To get on the mailing list for next year's Meet The Breeds, email Kris at

 I like to see people do nice things for others.  If someone does something nice for you at a show or you see or hear about something nice being done, please send me an email at   Be sure to put in the subject: Nice

We will mention that person by name in the blog.  

My first spotlight is Marcello Tulipano.  He responded to my plea for more Standard Wirehaired Dachshund people to come out and show.  It was wonderful to spend time with him at the Milton show.  We had a great time, even though it rained like a son-of-a- gun on Saturday.

Ok that's it.  My first blog is done.  Be sure to go to Canuck Dogs,, to see all the upcoming events and to check stats.  You should  bookmark it.  That's where you will find my blog.  See you again, soon.
